

A New Expression of Missions 

I believe we are in a new era where God is raising up a new breed of missionaries to send forth in the earth. This new breed will be free from religion and performance seeking to establish God’s kingdom and not their own.

These fiery ones will be filled with the power of the Spirit, anointed and commissioned by God, moving in great faith and freedom.

I believe they will walk in greater personal wholeness understanding the importance of tending to their own souls while pouring out to others. They will not sacrifice themselves or their families on the altar of ministry, but they will be rightly aligned with God’s order and God’s way. They will value the secret place with God and keep their first love’s flame burning for Jesus. Their ministries will flow from intimacy with the Lord and they will be led by the Spirit. They will not seek to make a name for themselves, building their own platform or vying for position. They will not be moved by the praise of men nor the criticism of others. Having their identity rooted in Christ they will not seek to prove themselves for man’s validation. They will walk in divine wisdom, casting off the ridiculous rules and traditions that have often encumbered missionaries and hindered them in true service to our King. They will walk in bold faith, trusting in God’s supernatural provision and direction.

I believe this new expression of missions will be comprised of the fivefold ministry. God is sending out Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists who know and understand their role in the body and operate accordingly. They will strive to honor one another, recognizing the gifts and anointing that each carry and not overstep their boundaries trying to do what God has appointed others to do.

They will recognize the territory that God has given to them and not be envious of another’s. They will learn not to fall into the divisive trap of comparison and competition, but rather they will celebrate their brothers and sisters in Christ coming alongside them to build up and encourage.

This brazen new breed of missionaries will not be easily intimidated by the religious that will seek to quench the fire of the Spirit and curtail the move of God. No, these ones will operate in fierce discernment, able to recognize what is from God and what is from the devil.

God is raising up men and women who will be anointed with the mantle of deliverance and healing. They will bring healing to the nations and set people free from demonic oppression. Their anointing will come from abiding in the secret place and cultivating the oil of intimacy. They will keep the fire of worship and intercession burning in their communities understanding that everything must flow from this place.

They will move by the word of the Lord, operating in the purity of the prophetic gifting, not using their gifts for self-promotion but for the edification of the body and God’s glory. They will understand the heart of the Father and desperately desire for prodigal sons and daughters to come home to Him.

They will create safe places where the spiritual orphans will find family and that place of belonging. They will be apostolic mothers and fathers expressing the deep love of the Father, investing into the next generation, calling forth and releasing them into their destiny.

I see God cleansing the missions movement of religion, spiritual abuse, toxic cultures, division, selfish ambition and demonic doctrines. He is setting many free from a spirit of control and manipulation while strengthening them in their true identity and calling.

He is helping his chosen ones to be rid of old paradigms and old wineskins, releasing fresh vision to understand the times and the seasons.

They will not succumb to man-made systems and institutions. Radical in obedience, pure in their devotion to Jesus, and filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, they will ignite the fires of revival around the world and see many come into relationship with Christ.

Whether they have been veteran missionaries on the field for decades or fresh ones just beginning their journey, they will have a choice whether to get on board with the Holy Spirit or go their own way. It might seem easier to do what’s always been done, to adhere to the strategies of the past, to conform to methods and formulas that seem productive yet are nothing but dead works. I hear the call of God to come up higher and see from His perspective. I hear Him call out to His chosen and called ones to be willing to lay down their own plans and yield themselves fully to His will. It may require great boldness to throw off the expectations of sending churches and organizations. It may mean losing financial support, people unwilling to go with you into the new thing God has for you. It may feel like a death to the way you used to do things, it may mean you will be misunderstood and undervalued. But resurrection life comes from death to our ways and our plans. We will rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit truly impacting the nations with the gospel in its fullness.

Those who choose this way- the Kingdom way, will experience many hardships and persecution even from those who used to honor and support them, but they must make the choice who they will follow.

The enemy will seek to entrap them in confusion, doubt and fear. But as they continually cry out to the Lord He will deliver them and set their feet on a solid rock. He will bring them through every fiery trial and gird them with strength for the spiritual battles that await them. The road will not be easy, but well worth it.

I pray for this new missions movement that God is releasing in the earth. May they keep their eyes always on Jesus, their first love, and earnestly desire God’s will be done, His kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.

Behold I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does the wine will burst the skins- and the wine is destroyed, and so are the skins. But the new wine is for fresh wineskins.” Mark 2:22

“I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false.  I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name’s sake, and you have not grown weary.  But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first.” Revelation 2:2-5


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